possum cheese velvet . I guess  in the forest, our thoughts would be as random as that. I always believed that  heading towards the forest would bring this brilliant  surge of new energy within me and i am now all ready to head for an amazing adventure to the jungle. some interesting theories i had n my mind were the existence of higher intellegence in all kinds or bugs in the jungle. We humans do not understand or observe the nature of forest insects but what if these insects are actually intellectually far superior than us homosapians ? Is that why we cannot under understand the depts of nature while these insects can ? Natures environment has the largest network system on the planet. The amount of interaction insect have with this system on an internal to external basis is mindblowing. Maybe we humans are really not the most dominent on earth, maybe were not so intellectual as we think. Insects may be the future . All that said , the bottom line is that we need to go back to our roots often. why ? Because thats how u reach your inner human self, its as if you travel thousands of years back and feel like theres so much more to life.

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